Data Scientist | PhD in Data Science | Complex Systems Physicist

I'm a naturally curious animal who thrives on challenging projects.

My passion drives me to explore the intersection of different fields, with a strong emphasis on modeling and practical goals. My research spans dimensionality reduction techniques for representing networks and understanding dynamical processes on them, alongside works on misinformation and polarization around climate change, AI-human interactions, and independent projects exploring the intersection of data science and sports analytics. My work has been published in important journals including Nature Climate Change, PLOS Climate, and Nature Scientific Reports.

However, the best is yet to come, and I'm always eager to learn and take on new challenges. I deeply admire those with strong statistical and computational backgrounds who fearlessly adapt their knowledge to new fields.

As my good pal Dirac would say, "Scientific progress is measured in units of courage, not intelligence," so I'm striving to be braver in my future research endeavors.

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